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Removal Notice: BSP 01.01.49 LifeGuard 15, 17, 18 Updates


Zebra has removed the following updates from the website: 

  • LifeGuard Updates 15, 17 and 18 for BSP 01.01.49/Nougat operating system

Based on a small number of customer reports, firmware updates can be inadvertently interrupted when one of these LifeGuard updates is newly applied or downgraded from a previous update. While this has occurred in only a small number of cases, interruption of a firmware update can leave a scanner unusable. Therefore, we are removing the updates until a corrected version is available

Issue Scope 

This issue may occur immediately following:

  • An update to Nougat LifeGuard 18 from Nougat LifeGuard 15 or 17
  • A downgrade from Nougat LifeGuard 18 to Nougat LifeGuard 15 or 17
  • A downgrade from an Oreo operating system to Nougat LifeGuard 15, 17 or 18

If you have already updated to one of these versions and your scanner works, there is no issue with remaining on that LifeGuard version. 

Please contact support if you have experienced this issue and need assistance. 

Updated Release

The scanner issue has been rectified in LifeGuard Update 19 for BSP 01.01.49 Nougat operating system.

BSP Affected: 01.01.49

Operating System Affected: Nougat

Devices Affected:

  • TC51
  • TC56
  • TC70x
  • TC75x
  • MC33
  • MC33R
  • VC80x

If you need assistance with this issue, please contact support: