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Mobile Computer Software

Persist Memory Bar For Windows CE 5.0, Ce 6.0 & CE 7.0

In Windows CE devices, the system memory bar change (to choose ratio between Program Memory and Storage memory) is not cold boot persistent. RAM memory on Windows CE devices is divided into two parts:

  1. Program Memory - part of RAM used by programs for execution.
  2. Storage Memory -  part used by object store and file systems.
    In most of cases, much storage memory is unused but having shortage of Program memory in customer devices. This utility will help for such cases to increase Program Memory by reducing storage memory and make this change cold boot persistent

This tool does not support on CE7 devices which has 1GB RAM


Software that is essential for operating and connecting this device. 

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Installation Requirements

Please refer to the release notes. In addition to installation of these drivers on the devices, the Document Capture application development requires EMDKs. All the necessary documentations/help are provided through EMDK. EMDK also provides basic sample application for the demonstration of the feature. Please note that the device with SE4500 – HD Imager is not recommended for Document Capture.

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Compatible Hardware

This software has been approved for use with the following devices:

  • MC17
  • MC18
  • MC2100 Mobile Computer
  • MC3000 Mobile Device
  • MC3100 Mobile Computer
  • MC3200 Mobile Computer
  • MC50 Mobile Computer
  • MC9090 CE Mobile Computer
  • MC9190-G Mobile Computer
  • MC9200 Mobile Computer
  • SB1
  • VC5090 Vehicle-mounted Computer
  • VC70N0
  • VH10 Vehicle-mounted Computer
  • WT4000 Wearable Mobile Computer
  • WT4090
  • WT41N0

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