Hospital Materials Management Vision Study Executive Summary
Vision Study Series

Critical Supplies, Critical Outcomes: The Quest for Excellence in Materials Management

Get the insights and forward-thinking perspectives from decision makers responsible for optimizing their inventory and materials management operations through digital strategies. See how they envision the future of tech in the delivery of safer patient outcomes.  

Critical Supplies, Critical Outcomes: The Quest for Excellence in Materials Management


In acute-care hospitals, effective materials management plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal patient care. Discover the perspectives of decision-makers from large hospitals in the United States and United Kingdom responsible for managing medical devices and durable equipment, implants, consumables and medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, and/or sterile equipment and supplies. Explore insights into their challenges, the pressures to ensure clinical efficiency and delivery of safer patient outcomes, and the technologies poised to reduce errors, predict demand, and enable real-time visibility. 


  1. See the latest trends shaping materials management in acute care hospital settings.
  2. Uncover the key barriers to achieving comprehensive inventory accuracy across hospitals.
  3. Examine the consensus among decision-makers on transformative technologies and processes along with the benefits they deliver to patients and clinical-care staff.
  4. Explore the next wave of innovation set to enhance materials management in acute healthcare delivery.
Content Type
Vision Study Report
Read Time

6-9 minutes

  • Impact of inefficient inventory management on patient outcomes.
  • Challenges of materials management in hospitals.
  • The role of technology in increasing inventory visibility and enhancing decision making.
  • Relationship between operational efficiency and the delivery of patient care.
  • Future outlook on artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics in hospital materials management.



of decision-makers agree their organization needs to improve systems for clinicians to report adverse events resulting from out-of-stock/low-stock/lost inventory, equipment or supplies to better support patient safety.



of decision-makers cite real-time recording of supplies and equipment used in surgical theaters/operating rooms as one of the biggest workflow challenges to achieving inventory accuracy.



of decision-makers agree that procedure or surgery cancellations due to out-of-stock/low-stock/lost supplies are significant problems for their organization.

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