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Login Button


The Login Button component is used on the MyZebra page to enable a visitor to log into their account. It has limited use cases outside of the MyZebra pages. 


Character Limit/Usage

The button text is customizable but due to it's use case, we recommend only using the word 'Login' or similar (dependent on your use case).

Image Requirements

This component has no image requirements.

Video Requirements

This component has no video requirements.


The style of the CTA can be updated in the component. The following styles are available: 

  • Blue
  • Secondary
  • White
  • Transparent
  • Link
  • Link White
  • Grey Border
  • No Border
  • Support Link

Authoring Instructions

You can select the style of CTA that you prefer for your use case and then provide an appropriate title along with alignment of the CTA in the container.

Use Cases and Style Variations

Need Help?

If you need help with a specific use case for the login button component or need guidance with appropriate configuration, please contact Pavel Sebela.