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Mobile Computer Software

All Touch Terminal Emulation Support

With All Touch Terminal Emulation (ATTE) powered by Wavelink, you can bring your existing telnet apps to Android starting in their existing “green screen” form — and then optimize, modernize, and voice enable these apps in three easy steps. Your workers have time to adjust to new hardware, then gain a fully modernized user experience and workflows optimized to streamline their tasks. Improve your perfect order rate and deliver to customers faster — all while minimizing the risk of operational disruptions to your business. 

Maintain Your Host System

Implementing Velocity retains your investment in your existing host system. The solution can interface with your warehouse management (WMS) or other supply chain management system, just like Ivanti Terminal Emulation has always done. There’s no need to modify or migrate your host system.

App Modernization Made Easy

Your workers carry mobile devices with bright, beautiful touchscreens. Velocity fully leverages those displays by taking the text-based information from your host system and converting it into an intuitive mobile experience that’s easy to navigate and use. Deploy ATTE/Velocity’s rapid modernization to configure and deploy contemporary telnet screens in minutes. 

Increase Accuracy and Speed

The multi-touch experience of today’s personal devices is familiar to your workforce. Bringing that customary user experience to their enterprise mobile apps makes it easy for them to navigate task screens and enter data more quickly and accurately. With All Touch TE, you can even introduce content from external sources. For example, insert images into a picking task so that workers can visually match up parts with items listed in an order.

Who is eligible to run version 2.0 and how do I get it?

ATTE software that is under maintenance is eligible to upgrade to ATTE 2.0.  All pre-licensed devices manufactured after July 1, 2017 may be upgraded to ATTE 2.0

Devices manufactured before then will require distribution of licenses. Please contact the Zebra Helpdesk for more information.

Steps for customers to run ATTE version 2.0, by customer situation

1) Customers with pre-licensed devices manufactured after July 1, 2017:

  • Download the .apk clients to your devices, update your console to version 2.0 and begin using the product with no changes 

2) Customers who use pre-licensed All touch TE (ATTE) TE with active maintenance, on devices built before July 1, 2017:

  • Contact Zebra support and obtain the license keys
  • Download the Wavelink License Distribution Server
  • Distribute license keys and begin to work

3) Customers who use All touch TE (ATTE) with active maintenance on non-pre-licensed devices:

  • Contact Zebra support and obtain the license keys
  • Download the Wavelink License Distribution Server
  • Distribute license keys and begin to work

4) Using All touch TE (ATTE) without active maintenance:

  • Purchase upgrade license with maintenance
  • Receive the license keys electronically after they have been ordered
  • Download the Wavelink License Distribution Server
  • Distribute license keys and begin to work
Zebra device with All Touch Terminal Emulation software performing a scan

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Compatible Hardware

This software is pre-loaded and pre-licensed on the following devices:

TC8000, MC33G, WT6000, MC92N0, VC80x

Devices with Android KitKat and above can use All Touch TE.

All Touch TE is on the device as Velocity.

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