Zebra's Fixed RFID Reader Transfer Window is Now Open
By Mark Jolley | October 01, 2020

Ready to Upgrade Your Fixed RFID Reader? If You’re in EMEA, You’ll Want to Get Involved in Our Transfer Window to Save Big.

Zebra is giving you the chance to trade in all of your old fixed RFID readers (from any manufacturer) for new state-of-the-art Zebra RAIN RFID readers...but only until 31 December 2020.

Like our much-loved centre half, your Fixed RFID Reader probably needs updating.

You’re up against the clock every day to get the right people, materials and products to the right place at the right time. But that can be near impossible to do if you can’t see where they’re currently located. That’s why real-time location systems (RTLS) that utilise RFID technology are gaining such traction in manufacturing, warehousing, transportation and logistics, retail, healthcare and even government operations. As my colleague Kent Landry has said before, your workers “need a certain level of ‘location awareness’ as it relates to critical assets in order to maintain the full situational awareness required to act fast when opportunities or issues arise.”

Yet, some organisations that have deployed RFID systems over the last decade are finding it hard to quickly locate and retrieve assets as production, fulfilment, service and/or delivery volumes increase.

“You’ve Given Us 10 Good Years at the Back. However, Today the Game’s Changed.”

If you’re trying to use RFID technology that’s 10+ years old to keep tabs on your operations, or you simply don’t have the right RFID solution for your applications or environment, it’s time to move on and trade up.

RFID technology has matured quite quickly in the past decade. The read range is significantly greater. The sensitivity has dramatically improved. And the speed of data capture is exponentially better! In short, RFID technologies have been significantly refined in recent years to better support your evolving (and rapidly growing) operational demands.

Thus, the reason why Zebra is giving you a rare opportunity to trade in* your old fixed RFID reader from any manufacturer for a new, state-of-the-art Zebra fixed RAIN RFID reader that makes it easy to track and trace inventory, materials and equipment in real time.

Up Your Game by Getting Involved in Zebra’s Transfer Window

If you want to increase your operational speed, workflow efficiency and on-demand fulfilment capabilities, you’ll want to sign up during the transfer window to bring one of our two new stars onto your team:

  • The Zebra FX7500 fixed RFID reader features advanced Zebra RFID radio technology that delivers faster read rates, more accurate data capture and more consistent performance, even in challenging business environments.
  • The Zebra FX9600 fixed UHF RFID reader is designed to deliver the industry’s best RFID performance for high-volume, rugged environments so that you can automate inventory management without breaking the bank. 

By turning in your old fixed RFID reader and trading up to one of these two Zebra RAIN RFID readers, you’ll give your workers the insights they need to move even faster through workflows for the lowest possible impact on your bottom line.

Ready to Trade Up? You’ll Have to Move Fast.

The RFID transfer window closes 31 December 2020 and is only available in the EMEA region. Check out the details of our trade in/trade up program here then contact us to get your trade started. 

Innovative Ideas,
Mark Jolley
Mark Jolley

Mark Jolley leads the RFID Solutions Sales team for Zebra technologies in EMEA. This team utilizes Zebra's next-generation solutions to improve productivity through innovation and thought leadership, with a large emphasis on real-time data analytics and best practices. The team focuses on active and passive RFID technologies, including UWB, BLE and UHF products, which allows a customer to select the right technology for its use case.  Prior to this, Mark worked across many of the large post and parcel companies to transform organizations with the implementation of new mobile Zebra technology.

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