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RFID Software

123RFID Desktop

123RFID Desktop is a unique no-cost Windows desktop utility that makes deploying a Zebra RFID fixed reader as simple as 1,2,3. Now, you no longer need to be an expert to deploy RFID – setup and optimization of RFID readers is unbelievably simple. The intuitive wizard presents easy to understand options in drop-down menus, radio buttons and sliders. And if you have questions, you can find the answers, right inside the tool using built-in help and how-to-videos.

For more information, please visit:



Software that is essential for operating and connecting this device. 

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RFID Reader Firmware

Installation Requirements

Minimum PC Requirements

Hardware Requirements:

  • Pentium Dual-Core E214 1.6GHz or Pentium Mobile Dual-Core T2060 or Pentium Celeron E1200 1.6GHz
  • 2GB RAM 1.2 GB free hard drive space
  • USB port, 1.1 or higher, for the connection of USB Readers

Minimum display resolution = 1024 by 768 pixels


123RFID Desktop can be launched from the Windows 10(64bit) Start button.


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EMDK For Android How-to Videos.

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Compatible Hardware

This software has been approved for use with the following devices:

  • ATR7000 RTLS Reader
  • FX7500 Fixed RFID Reader
  • FX9500 Fixed RFID Reader
  • FX9600 Fixed RFID Reader
  • RFD40 Handheld Reader

Additional Resources

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