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Printer Software

Using Software Activation Key

When you purchase a Software Activation Key from this Web site, you'll be able to use the License Activation Wizard that installs with the software to authenticate the key over the internet. This process will take the software out of demo mode.

NOTE: In order to use a ZebraDesigner Activation Key, the computer that the software is installed on must have an active connection to the Internet. This connection will be used during the Activation process to authenticate the Software Activation Key. Once the Software Activation Key is authenticated, the Internet connection is no longer needed. After you make your online purchase, you'll receive an e-mail with your Software Activation Key number.

1. After installing and running the software – the "Demo" dialog will display. Click the "Activate" button to display the "Activate" dialog.

2. If you are already running the software, choose "Activate Product" from the Help menu to display the "Activate" dialog

3. Copy the Software Activation Key number from the e-mail, paste it into the "Activate" dialog and click "OK". The software will authenticate the Software Activation Key via a Web-based server and inform you that License Key has been authenticated.

4. Your software is now Activated and ready for use.

The software can be de-activated using the ZebraDesigner License Manager. For complete details, see the Help system contained with the ZebraDesigner License Manager.

The License Manager is accessible via the Windows ® START menu, within the "Zebra Technologies" group, for the ZebraDesigner product you have installed.

Activation screen