Mike Smith, Zebra Chairman
By Your Edge Blog Team | August 20, 2020

Riding the Wave: Zebra’s Chairman Talks Surfing, the Key to Customers’ Survival and Zebra’s Secret to Sustained Success in Exclusive Podcast Interview

Mike Smith also explains why the “humble barcode” still reigns supreme and how decades old AIDC technology is becoming more relevant as organizations seek more actionable intelligence about their people and assets that will help them gain a competitive edge.

Mike Smith knows better than anyone just how much the “humble barcode” has impacted businesses’ success over the last several decades. Without the visibility, efficiency, tracking and accountability that this automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technology has provided, it’s hard to imagine e-commerce and the digital on-demand economy could have exploded as they have in recent years.

Yet, as Zebra’s Chairman, Mike is keenly aware of the fact that it is no longer enough for organizations to just be able to sense or analyze what’s happening within supply chains, facilities or in the field. They must also know how to act on the insights being collected at the operational edge via barcode scanners, radio frequency identification (RFID) readers, sensors, intelligent automation technologies and more. Zebra’s customers are facing a host of challenges, most of which pre-date COVID-19 and are simply being compounded by the pandemic. He believes that Zebra’s Enterprise Asset Intelligence vision may be the key to unlocking even more value from AIDC technologies.

Listen to our 10-minute podcast discussion now to hear Mike’s thoughts on:

  • The secret to Zebra’s 50+ year success despite an ever-changing technology landscape.
  • The future of AIDC technology and why the emergence of RFID won’t automatically lead to the barcode’s retirement.
  • The greatest challenges facing Zebra’s customers right now and what Zebra is doing to help them “ride the wave.”

Mike also talks about his love of surfing and what it takes to be a successful board member.

Listen Now:

Zebra’s Chairman Talks Surfing, the Key to Customers’ Survival and Zebra’s Secret to Sustained Success

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