Zebra’s Senior Director and Corporate Counsel Todd Beck shows off a fish he caught on a recent expedition in Puerto Rico.
By Your Edge Blog Team | September 06, 2019

Meet Todd Beck: The Zebra Who Catches Big Fish Across the Globe

See how Zebras are “living the rugged life” all around the world.

As part of our new “Living Rugged” series, we’re sharing stories about the impressive things that Zebras are doing in the wild (literally, in many cases). 

In this latest installment, we get a glimpse at the lengths that Todd Beck goes to in order to reel in the big fish! 

Todd Beck shows off another one of his big catches.

Todd Beck has been Senior Director and Corporate Counsel at Zebra for eight years. On a daily basis, he handles everything related to the company’s finance, treasury, tax, real estate and corporate governance affairs. He also manages additional duties related to government contracting, risk management and mergers & acquisition integrations. Clearly, he’s a busy man! So, it makes sense that he likes to relax on the water whenever he can. But don’t confuse “relax” with “sitting back and doing nothing.”

Like a Fish to Water

From the time he was young, Todd grew up around the beach. Born in New Jersey, he worked on the shore wading the water of the Atlantic Ocean searching for clams and fishing with his dad.

Years later, he’s working in Lincolnshire, Illinois, nearly 1,000 miles from New Jersey and the ocean. But that hasn’t stopped him from getting out there and (literally) fishing for his food!

While the quantity of time that Todd spends fishing isn’t nearly as much as it was while he was growing up, the quality is certainly up to standard. That’s no surprise considering that his fishing expeditions have been significantly upgraded from the beaches on the Jersey coast to the larger, more rugged bodies of water surrounding Mexico, Guatemala, Puerto Rico and more.

When we asked Todd to tell us some of his fish tales, one in particular that stood out was his trip to Guatemala a couple years back. While most are happy with a good catch in the local lake, Todd decided to up the ante. To say he took it up a couple notches in both the quantity and quality of fish he was aiming for would be an understatement. During his three days in Guatemala, Todd and his group caught 121 (!) sailfish (one of which is in the picture above).

And, if that wasn’t impressive enough, on a separate trip to Puerto Rico while fishing with his father, they caught two Tarpon, one weighing about 115 pounds that took almost two hours to get on the boat!! The “little” fish only weighed 80 pounds and was landed in just under an hour.

How he’s going to top those two accomplishments, we don’t know. However, you can bet we’re going to keep tabs on his fish tally from every trip going forward. We are also going to bug him a bit to share his secret(s) so that we can hopefully make such a big catch ourselves some day!

In the meantime, if you get an out of office reply from Todd, you can assume he’s gone fishin’.


We want to know…what was the biggest fish that you’ve ever caught? Share your story in the Comments section below.

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