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Lights, Cameras, Action! How to Make Your Shop the Star of the Show this Small Business Saturday.

Small Business Saturday 2021 is premiering soon, and this is what you can do for your business to ensure it shines.

Small Business Saturday is on its way, and that means the spotlight is on you. You’re the star, and your business deserves all eyes and attention as it walks the red carpet this year (and every year to come). You’ve persevered through some tough times as a small business, but you’re not letting anything stop you from basking in the power that is Small Business Saturday. This is your moment to be that up-and-coming star business adored by the masses.

Ensuring a Full House

Let’s face it. These days, it’s not about the small biz – it’s about the show biz. Whenever you look (stage) left or (stage) right, everyone is finding new out-of-the-box tactics to “wow” the crowd and pull in new loyal customers. So, we asked some experts to share tips on how you can leverage your creative talents to win that centerstage attention. Here’s their star-studded advice on how to put on the business performance of a lifetime:

  • Act 1: Get creative with your tech – before the curtain goes up.

    Make the absolute most of the digital assets you have at your disposal, and you’ll never have to worry about getting booed off the stage. There are so many technologies and online platforms that allow businesses like yours to connect with – and wow – audiences. Take social media for instance. Don’t just post regularly– give your audience something to interact with and share with others. Why not launch a social campaign? Let’s say you sell your homemade baked goods. Tug on people’s heartstrings this Thanksgiving season by asking users to share their favorite holiday tradition, family recipe or memory and tag your business account to earn a discount for your products. Then, to really fire up the crowd, you could have every submission enter a random drawing in which a few select winners will receive a big basket of baked goodness for their families’ Thanksgiving meals. It’s fun, shareable, memorable and gets people coming back for more. You can get your own hashtag trending and have users share pictures of themselves enjoying your product to score even more discounts. Shoot for the stars!

    And don’t just stop with the cool social campaigns and contents. Pretty much everyone has a smartphone, so why not harness that as another creative opportunity for engagement and building an even bigger fanbase for your business ahead of the big day. For every order you ship between now and December 4, include a thank you note or business card with a scannable QR code that links customers to a private discount on Small Business Saturday – or to a preview page on your website so they can preview the holiday gifts you’ll be offering on the big day in store or online. There are really no bounds to what technology and digital tools can do for your business performance, so grasp them like roses being tossed to you after your big opening night of stardom.

  • Act 2: Showcase your brand LIVE!

    Yes, the e-commerce world is booming, and it will only continue to grow. But there are very meaningful aspects captured with in-person experiences that you just can’t find in the digital realm. Of course, there are still some pandemic-related safety concerns and roadblocks with live gatherings you’ll have to consider, but once you figure out the logistics (appointment-only shopping, perhaps?) you’ll see there will be plenty of patrons just as excited to see you as you will be to see them. Just be sure the trip they make to your store or booth will be worthwhile. (As in, worth paying a babysitter or city parking.) Think about what you want them to see, hear, touch, smell, even taste.

    Sure, farmer’s markets are always a great way to get in with your own community, but we are asking you to think bigger. Think bolder. Think pop-up shops! Think immersive events! Sound crazy? Good. Some of the most successful superstar businesses are the ones who take risks and go the extra mile.

    Now we know what you’re thinking: “who has the budget for that?” Truthfully, some of the most special experiences are built from the smallest of budgets. When we say, “think big,” we don’t necessarily mean the big bucks. Everything you need is in two spots: your head and your heart. Take a reselling business, for instance. How do you take it from your living room couch to a toy-themed derby for kids and their families in the park? Or turn it into an annual occurrence the locals start looking forward to and encouraging their family and friends to join? Could you associate a donation to a charitable organization for every ticket purchase? Make your own batch of hot chocolate and give it out to event goers? We say all the above, if it makes business sense for you. (Any kind of business has the star power to pull off an incredibly memorable live experience. The “it” factor is already inside you.) No matter what approach you take, just be sure to hand out freebies and discounts for your products while you are there. You want them to remember you for years to come – and people remember “free.”

Now, take a bow because you’ve earned it. You don’t have to sweep the awards every year to earn devoted fans who genuinely love supporting your business. But this is your curtain call to take the stage and show the crowd who you are and how great of a business you have to offer. Your hard work deserves to be noticed and remembered. And you know what they say: “there’s no business like ‘small’ business.” Leverage these tips, and you could just earn that standing ovation (in the form of orders and amazing feedback) you’ve always dreamed of this Small Business Saturday – and beyond.


Editor's Note:

What’s that? You want an encore? No problem! Come back to the Zebra ZSB blog to get more show-stopping business advice that is sure to pack the house.