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Intelligent Cabinets Software

지능형 캐비닛 지원

Zebra Access Management System (ZAMS) is an elegant, easy to use software solution to manage and control your mobile assets.
모바일 컴퓨터를 안전하게 유지하는 지능형 방법입니다.


ZEBRA 액세스 관리 시스템(ZAMS) 모바일 애플리케이션
Zebra 안드로이드 모바일 컴퓨터를위한 모바일 응용 프로그램

The ZAMS mobile application runs on a wide number of Zebra Android mobile computers. The application provides the ability to unlock & lock devices and show battery status whilst located in the Intelligent Cabinets. This is all communicated to the ZAMS Kiosk (CC6000 or ET4X) via WiFi.

ZEBRA 액세스 관리 시스템 키오스크 응용 프로그램
The ZAMS KIOSK application runs on Zebra CC6000 or ET40.
Data from the devices associated with that cabinet is captured and displayed on color coded dashboard on the Kiosk, such as battery status, devices in use, on charge or missing. 

ZAMS '장치에 비디오' 및 대시 보드 교육
The ZAMS Video on Device Application and Dashboard training materials provide ZAMS users with various role-specific training videos, as well as a poster for device users. The videos cover how to get started with the device; how to use the ZAMS dashboard on the CC6000 or ET40 display; how to get started as an ZAMS administrator; and how to deploy the ZAMS software to a customer.

지능형 캐비닛

ZAMS 소프트웨어를 얻는 방법:

  1. Purchase a Zebra Access Management System contract 1, 3, or 5 Year terms
  2. Log into zebra.com. Note secure downloads require registration with a valid contract ID. Contract ID is sent as part of the received order. Contact the help desk or your sales representative if you need it resent

다운로드 수

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일부 문서는 귀하의 언어로 번역되지 않았을 수 있습니다.

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추가 리소스

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지원 콘텐츠

전 세계 Zebra 사용자 및 홍보대사와 소통할 수 있는 커뮤니티 토론 포럼에 참여하세요.

마케팅 페이지